Timothy Wachter Speaks to Senate Majority Policy Committee on Opportunity Zones

Timothy S. Wachter, Shareholder and Lead for Knox Law Public Strategies, will speak to the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee on Tuesday, November 19 in Harrisburg. He will be part of a workshop on Federal Opportunity Zones, to help the committee understand the pros and cons of the program.
More information on the workshop can be found here. While in Harrisburg, Mr. Wachter will also speak to the entire Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus on Wednesday, November 20th.
Mr. Wachter is recognized as a national thought leader in Federal Opportunity Zone Development and regularly advises businesses and stakeholders regarding Opportunity Zone investments. His recent articles are Opportunity Zones: The Erie Model, Opportunity Zones: The Role of Government, and Opportunity Zones: 3 Waves of Investment.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.