Timothy S. Wachter Testifies on Opportunity Zones to PA House Urban Affairs Committee

Timothy S. Wachter, Shareholder and lead for Knox Law Public Strategies, testified today to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives' Urban Affairs Committee. He and Matt Wachter, of the Erie Downtown Development Corporation (EDDC) testified about how Pennsylvania can leverage Opportunity Zones. They also discussed Erie's story and the Flagship Opportunity Zone program.
Tim Wachter has become a national thought leader on Opportunity Zones, speaking at local, regional and national conferences on the topic. Follow him on Twitter @twachter or @KnoxLawPublicStrategies to learn more.
At Knox Law, he is a member of the Governmental, Public Finance & Bonds, and Business & Tax Practice Groups, along with serving as lead for Knox Law Public Strategies. He regularly advises governmental, business and nonprofit clients on highly complex legal, regulatory and public policy related matters.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.