Knox Law Attorneys Speak at Midwestern IU 4 Seminar in Hermitage

Six Knox Law attorneys will speak on Wednesday at a seminar following the Midwestern Intermediate Unit 4's monthly Superintendent Advisory Council (SAC) meeting in Hermitage, PA.
Mark Wassell, Jennifer Gornall, Timothy Sennett, Julia Herzing, Christopher Sennett and Timothy Zieziula will address various topics to Superintendents and other representatives from school districts in IU 4.
Mark Wassell will address changes in the law of subcontracting bargaining unit work, Timothy Zieziula will address tax assessment appeals and revenue opportunities for school districts, and Jennifer Gornall will address creating legally defensible Individualized Education Program (IEP). Additionally, Timothy Sennett, Jennifer Gornall, Julia Herzing and Christopher Sennett will offer quick legal tips on the Omnibus School Code Amendment, Right-to-Know law, public bidding issues, employment litigation, economic furloughs, public finance issues, and more.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.