Knox Law Attorneys Present at HVA Law Seminar
Knox Law attorneys will present at Thursday's HVA Law Seminar, hosted annually by HVA Senior Living Alliance. The seminar is back in-person this year at Saint Mary's Asbury Ridge, after being virtual since 2020. Several representatives from regional nursing home facilities will be in attendance, and Debra Thompson of Strategy Solutions will also speak. Her topic is "How Do We Know What to Pay? Compensation System Best Practices." The Knox Law attorneys presenting are as follows.

Mark Wassell will speak on "12 of the Most Common HR Questions Asked During the Last Year," including topical labor & employment law issues. Mark is licensed in Pennsylvania and Ohio and has been helping employers with labor & employment law issues for over 30 years. His practice includes hiring & termination issues, claims of discrimination & harassment, employee handbooks, collective bargaining, and more. He speaks often to a variety of groups and conducts in-house training programs as well.

Bob Zaruta will speak on "Employer's Guide to the ADA Interactive Process," which will include best practices for documenting the process, understanding what constitutes an 'undue burden', and learning how to navigate the process from start to finish. Bob practices in labor & employment law, including litigation, for a variety of sectors. He has represented employers in unfair labor practices and has appeared before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and other state courts and agencies.

Matt Lasher will speak on wage & hour laws: "It's Time: Your Check-Up on Wage & Hour Laws." He will reivew properly classifying employees, calculating overtime, the '8 and 80 rule', independent contractors, recordkeeping requirements and more. Wage and hour laws under both the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act will be reviewed. Matt assists clients in navigating various workplace matters, concentrating his practice in labor & employment law.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.