Julia Herzing and Bob Zaruta Speak on Updates for HR Professionals
Julia Herzing and Bob Zaruta, Shareholders at Knox Law, speak at Wednesday's HR & Employment Law Conference hosted by the Manufacturer & Business Association (MBA). They will speak on "The Labor Landscape: Updates for HR Professionals in 2022."
The MBA's annual HR & Employment Law Conference hosts over 145 HR professionals for a full-day of education, including a variety of topics of interest to human resources and the workplace.

Julia focuses her practice on management-side labor and employment matters, working with employers of all sizes, both private and public, to prevent and resolve a wide variety of employment disputes. She provides employers with counseling and training on compliance with workplace laws and advises on the full spectrum of day-to-day human resources issues employers face.

Bob’s practice is focused on a variety of labor & employment matters, including litigation. He has extensive experience working with both private and public employers, counseling clients on hiring and firing issues, wage and hour issues, employer/independent contractor issues, collective bargaining, employee handbooks, and compliance with workplace laws including FMLA, Title VII, ADA, ADEA, FLSA and more.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.