
Knox Law attorneys publish articles relating to each year's Professional Advisor Symposium topics, some of which are included here.

*Each article is accurate as of October of the year indicated next to each title. The articles may not have been updated for current law since the posting date.

*These articles are not intended to provide any legal advice. Please seek advice of your professional council. Any U.S. federal and state tax advice contained in this communication is not intended or written by Knox Law to be used, and cannot be used by you, for the purpose of: (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code that may be imposed upon you, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.

*Please contact the attorney(s) (authors) for further clarification.

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"It Depends" - The Answer to All Simple Yes or No Questions

Explores how even the simple aspects of business, financial and estate planning can be frustrated by facts, interpretation, and misunderstanding. Are Incomplete Beneficiary Designations Effective? Must Wills Be Signed and Witnessed? Do Joint Bank Accounts Transfer to Surviving Joint Owner Upon Death? Does a Limited Liability Company Protect Your Assets from a Judgment Creditor? Are Real Property Transfers to Trusts Subject to Transfer Tax? Is Consideration Necessary to Create a Binding Contract? Can a Majority Shareholder Unilaterally Control His/Her Company? Can I Be Confident That a Choice of Forum Clause in My Agreements Means I Get to Litigate in My Home Forum?

Business Contracts: I Read the Fine Print... So Should You

Business Contracts: I Read the Fine Print... So Should You - on commercial contracts, purchase orders and more.

Irrevocable Trust Flexibility: Is Anything Really Irrevocable Anymore?

Understand the current tax law relative to retaining indirect control over assets, strategies for modifying existing irrevocable trusts, and the IRS's increasing concern about these strategies.

Demystifying Medicaid Planning

Learn about the rules affecting an applicant's ability to qualify for Medicaid as well as some of the basic planning techniques used to preserve assets and facilitate a client's Medicaid qualification.

The ABCs of an LOI

Understanding Letters of Intent (LOI) in Business and Real Estate Transactions, and What Happens When Litigation Ensues

Estate Planning for the Rest of Us: Planning for Estates with Less Than $10M

Understanding the most relevant considerations in planning for estates with assets below the federal estate tax exclusion amount and examining special issues that may arise.

Estate Planning for Blended Families

Identifying issues involved with multiple marriages and blended families; proposing solutions through the use of various estate planning tools.

What to Do After the Sheriff Leaves: Key Decisions at the Onset of Litigation

An overview of the key tactical, logistic and protective steps that should be taken immediately after you learn of adverse litigation.

Bankruptcy Basics: A Primer for Non-Lawyers

Bankruptcy Basics: A Primer for Non-Lawyers. Strategies for debt collection, Types of bankruptcy, Proof of Claim, Creditors' Claims, Advantages & Disadvantages to Chapter 11.

69 publications total