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Municipalities & Authorities

Members of Knox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett, P.C. have extensive experience working with cities, townships, boroughs, and public authorities and understand the special issues you face. We pool our vast breadth of knowledge to produce favorable and cost-effective results for our clients.
Our attorneys keep current on various developments and trends affecting your interests and have practical, hands-on experience in the full range of relevant legal disciplines. We cover all of your legal needs in areas such as:
Governmental Practice
- Counsel on all matters of municipal liability and immunity
- Provide counsel on parliamentary procedures for public meetings
- Draft and resolve matters involving municipal procurement, including public bidding issues
- Counsel on housing and urban development issues
- Advise on general aviation legal matters and public utility law
- Counsel regarding eminent domain matters
- Provide general counsel to water and sewer authorities
- Advise on compliance with the Municipality Authorities Act, Sunshine Act, Public Official and Employees Ethics Act, and Right-To-Know Law
- Provide counsel on port-related matters
Public Finance & Bonds
- Serve as bond and underwriters' counsel
- Secure required approvals under the Local Government Unit Debt Act
- Document finance transaction for general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, tax and revenue anticipation notes, specialized facilities bonds, and industrial development bonds
- Provide opinions regarding the validity, security, tax-exempt, and tax credit status of bonds, notes, and leases
- Assist in reviewing official statements to enable compliance with federal securities disclosure laws
- Monitor arbitrage regulations
- Advise public bodies on federal tax compliance issues
Real Estate
- Act as solicitor for governing bodies and zoning hearing boards in connection with variance requests, subdivision applications, and rezoning petitions
- Represent public bodies in buying, selling, or developing potentially contaminated property
- Negotiate and prepare leases and other administrative contracts
- Eminent domain proceedings
Environmental Law
- Sewage facilities planning and permitting - Act 537 compliance
- Stormwater permitting
- Recycling
- Water supply
Labor & Employment
- Negotiate collective bargaining agreements
- Provide guidance on bargaining unit issues and all union-related issues
- Represent in grievance processing, labor arbitration, and all matters before the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board
- Advise and counsel on all aspects of employment law
- Representation in EEOC and PHRC discrimination claims, unemployment compensation and OSHA matters, and before other administrative agencies
- Prepare employment-related documents and agreements
- Train and update management and supervisors on critical workplace issues
Workers' Compensation
- Defense of work injury claims
- Counsel on loss control and prevention
- Defend liability, civil rights, discrimination, employee benefit, and whistle blower claims
- Defend and prosecute contract claims
- Provide representation in alternative dispute resolution, including arbitration and mediation
- Counsel on debarment of public contractors
Bankruptcy & Creditors’ Rights
- Obtaining relief from stay regarding outstanding taxes and debts
- Collect outstanding taxes and debts
- Consult on collection practices
Contact: Timothy M. Sennett
814-923-4895 • Send an email